Charlotte Flindt Pedersen

Charlotte Flindt Pedersen is 2. Deputy Chairperson of the Board at DIPD appointed by The Danish Institute for Human Rights.

2. Deputy Chairperson

Charlotte Flindt Pedersen is the Managing Director of the Danish Foreign Policy Society and an associate partner at Nordic Consulting Group. Additionally, she is the editor-in-chief of the magazine Udenrigs.

Charlotte has previously worked as Deputy Director in charge of the International Area at The Danish Institute for Human Rights, where she was in charge of developing the portfolio of DIHR in relation to human rights development in the new independent states, which emerged from the dissolution of the USSR

Charlotte Flindt Pedersen holds an MA in Eastern-Europe studies and Political Science from the University of Copenhage. She also holds a diploma in leadership from Tietgenskolen.

Black and white portrait of Charlotte Flint Pedersen