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Results (22)
  • Burkina Faso and the D.C. National Guard

    The military leader of Burkina Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traore, has stated that elections are no longer a priority. What does this mean for the pending political parties and the democratic future of Burkina Faso?

  • Levan Tsutskiridze

    While Georgia has been moving in a democratic direction since its independence, the ruling party is turning towards authoritarianism and has become increasingly pro-Russian. DIPD has spoken with Levan Tsutskiridze, Executive Director of the Eastern European Centre for Multiparty Democracy (EECMD), about Georgia's deteriorating democracy.

  • Daryna på Folkemødet

    Daryna Onyshko from Ukraine was invited to take part in DIPD’s engagement at the Danish Democracy Festival, The People’s Meeting, to provide her knowledge on youth participation in politics. In this article, she shares her thoughts on this experience.

  • Folkemøde Kenya 23

    A small piece of the Danish Island, Bornholm can be found in Nairobi's stunning national museum garden. At least, that's how we felt as delegates from four Danish parties at the Kenyan People's Meeting, "The People Dialogue Festival".

  • Ukraine MP event

    Social equality, identity, disagreement, and the right to self-govern. DIPD asked Ukrainian politicians what visions they have for a democratic future for their country.

  • Militærmand, der holder Burkina Fasos flag

    On the 30th of September 2022, Burkina Faso experienced yet another coup - the second in just eight months. The military responsible for the coups has unsuccessfully sought to combat the militant jihadist groups wreaking havoc in the northern part of the country.

  • FOTO: People Dialogue Festival

    Social media are vital in Kenya, as they can connect and engage people beyond ethnic stereotypes. However, a rising number of political campaigns are spread systematically, containing fake news and disinformation undermining the election process.

  • Ung Kenyansk mand med mikrofon, der som en del af et publikum stiller et spørgsmål

    Traditionally, Kenyan political culture has been mostly top-down and based on one-way communication. Changes for a more inclusive political culture is seeing light in Kenya.

  • Lisbeth Pilegaard - portrait

    What will 2022 bring? In terms of democracy, well, it’s hard to say but I think we can agree that 2022 will be another year where we will see democracies struggle. Struggle with autocrats and autocratic regimes, who increasingly have been able to build their power and influence, and crack down on independent media, civil society, activists, and political opponents. Actions that fragment and weaken the democratic fabric and the future aspirations of any society.

  • people reaching their hands in the air

    Learning from DIPD's work through the past ten years shows that sustainable results are obtained with common ideological referencepoints and without the presence of classical donor/recepient relations.

  • Frank Mulwanja, Clara Halvorsen, DIPD Democracy Festival 2021

    Democracy Festivals are a valuable tool to strengthen debate and policymaking, even in volatile political situations. Flexibility, direct dialogue, and adaptation to local contexts are key points in planning a democracy festival.

  • Ung politiker i Nepal

    Nepal’s political climate is generally marked by intense competition and sharp confrontation. JOMPOPS – the platform of major political parties in Nepal - works towards promoting multiparty culture. The platform is supported by DIPD and regularly seeks inspiration from Denmark on how to strengthen multiparty collaboration. Here DIPD Country Representative, Shrishti Rana, reflects on recent experiences and specific activities from the field.

  • Election campaign Ghana december 2020

    Ghana’s image as a beacon for democracy in West Africa is fading. The latest election has left the country with a hung parliament and a problematic political culture. Political decentralisation can mitigate the challenges to Ghanaian democracy

  • participants in training of women politicians Bhutan March 2021- cropped

    Social media is feared by many female politicians for harsh, snide comments and often even sexual harassment. This counts for Bhutan as well as Denmark. But social media can also be a tool to break out of the often male-dominated arena of traditional media and enter politics standing on one’s own feet.

  • Panelists at Women Who Lead 3.4.2021

    With immense power to inspire, four women leaders from national parliaments to community activism got together to share their stories of why and how they fight for what they think is right. Participants from all five continents joined in this celebration of International Women's Day 2021, stressing how important it is to promote the career and successes of women leaders and change makers.

  • Participants at workshop for launch of board game

    Peace Boot Camps for youth leaders and establishing inter-party platforms to resolve conflicts between parties resulted in a marked decrease in political violence.

  • cover of dialogue and resolution courses

    Courses in dialogue and conflict resolution can inspire politicians in new democracies to solve problems and grow stronger democratic structures.

  • Cover: Political Parties and Human Rights

    An Introduction to the relationship between political parties and human rights

  • Cover: Coalition Building

    An introduction to the century long experiences of coalition governments in the Nordic countries. Lessons and conclusions draw a bridge to the current political realities in DIPD partner countries

  • Cover KV17 Report

    The KV17 Report details the study tour of 70 international partners who came to observe Danish municipal elections