
On this page, we give you the opportunity to let us know if you experience irregularities in activities related to DIPD. Your report can be completely anonymous.

Help us fight corruption. Every report of irregularities is important and helps prevent financial loss and damage to DIPD's reputation. With your help, we maintain our integrity and reliability.

This whistleblower scheme can be used to report violations or reasonable suspicion of violations. This can be violations of laws, rules, policies, guidelines, etc.

Your information will be sent to us completely anonymously. Neither your name nor IP address will be available to DIPD when you use our form. We will investigate your report, but we cannot get back to you about it.

If you prefer to enter into a dialogue with DIPD, you may elect to fill in your contact information. If you do not fill in your contact details, that's fine. DIPD will investigate your report, nonetheless.

Contact information: (if we may contact you)