
Mongolia is a well-functioning multiparty democracy, nestled in between two of the world's largest autocracies

Mongolia became a democracy following a peaceful revolution in 1990 in which the Marxist-Leninist government voluntarily resigned and allowed for a large number of democratic liberties, such as legalising opposition parties, creating an elected office of president, a new legislature, and democratically held elections. In June of the same year, elections were held, and non-communists entered parliament, despite the ruling Mongolia’s People’s Revolutionary Party retaining its majority.  

In 1992, the democratically elected parliament drafted and adopted a new democratic constitution for Mongolia, based on principles of rule of law and human rights. Since then, these have been the dominant principles of Mongolia's political system. Subsequently, there have been multiple peaceful transfers of power between Mongolia’s People’s Revolutionary Party, which has reformed as a social democratic party, and the largest opposition party, the Democratic Party.  

Mongolia is located in Central Asia, sharing borders with Russia and China, and has maintained a policy of strict neutrality due to the two autocratic giants being its largest partners in terms of both economy and security. Carefully maintaining this balance has allowed it to retain its democratic autonomy and continue its development.  

While Mongolia is an inspirational story of democratic success, where democracy has become firmly rooted in both institutions and citizens, there is still room for improvement. Mongolia struggles with areas of equal ability to participate for all genders, a tradition of patronage in party finances, and high levels of corruption. 

Country facts

Population: 3.34 million

Liberal Democracy Index: 0,41*
[LDI encaptures both electoral and liberal aspects of democracy]

Proportions of seats held by Women in Parlament: 18.1%**

Proportions of seasts held by Youth under 30 in Parlament: No Data**


*V-Dem Institute

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