People Dialogue Festival - Democracy Festival in Kenya

Bent Nicolajsen, who works for the Danish Liberal Democracy Programme, attended the Kenyan Democracy Festival and brought his camera - see some of the stunning images.

PDF Kenya

In March 2024, the Kenyan "people's meeting," the People Dialouge Festival, was held for the sixth time. The festival took place at the University of Nairobi and drew over 2000 people each day for four days. DLDP, the Social Democratic Party, the Conservative People's Party, and the Green Left support PDF through a joint partnership in Kenya.

Democracy Festival in Kenya
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There are a lot of young people at the PDF, and the average age is low. This year, among others, 16 schools from Nairobi and the surrounding area took part.
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At the first PDF in 2019, it caused a stir that almost twenty different political parties exhibited peacefully side by side. The parties and their colours and symbols continue to leave their mark on the PDF.
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The Danish Embassy actively participates in the PDF. At the ambassador's reception, Thomas Nikolaj Hansen from the embassy is joined by Bo Manderup-Jensen from the DLDP and Mikkel Wrang from the Conservative People's Party.
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The Danish Embassy's youth panel had a lively tent at PDF. Something we hope to see more of in the coming years' democracy festivals.
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Top politicians are received according to their status at PDF. Here is Kalonzo Musyaka, who leads the Wiper Democratic Movement.
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Jan Juul Christensen, the Social Democratic Party's former party secretary, participated in an exciting debate about increased political equality for men and women.
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Trine Bendix Knudsen, Green Left's representative on the DIPD board, participated in an open conversation in a large tent filled with curious and engaged school students.
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Singing, music, and, not least, dance are huge parts of the PDF.
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Dagen derpå: CMDs direktør, Frank Mukwanja samler op på PDF sammen med bl.a. Bo Manderup-Jensen, DLDP og Jan Juul Christensen fra Socialdemokratiet.