EU as a fundamental step towards strengthen democracy in North Macedonia

Insights into North Macedonia’s path towards EU integration: A Q&A with Monika Zajkova, President of the Liberal Democratic Party and Member of Parliament.

EU og Nordmakedonien
North Macedonia's EU integration

DIPD has interview Ms. Monika Zajkova, President of the Liberal Democratic Party and Member of the Assembly of North Macedonia, about the EU integration and the party’s partnership with the Danish Liberal Party.

Given the growing global divide between democracy and autocracy, how does North Macedonia see EU membership as a way to secure and strengthen its democratic development, especially in the face of alternative influences such as Russia?

As the president of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of North Macedonia, I firmly believe that EU membership is crucial for securing and strengthening our democratic development, particularly in the face of any alternative influences.

First and foremost, EU membership represents a tangible commitment to democratic values, human rights, and the rule of law. Joining the EU would provide North Macedonia with access to a framework of legal norms and institutions that uphold and protect these principles. This would not only bolster our democratic institutions but also provide a strong incentive for further democratic reforms within the country. We have seen the changes even now as a candidate country, and the full membership is expected to just advance them.

Moreover, EU membership offers North Macedonia the opportunity to integrate into a community of like-minded nations that share our commitment to democracy and liberal values. By aligning ourselves with the EU, we can benefit from political and economic stability, as well as access to resources and expertise that can support our democratic development.

Overall, EU membership is not just a strategic choice for North Macedonia; it is a fundamental step towards securing and strengthening our democratic development. By embracing the values and standards of the EU, we can safeguard our democracy, protect our sovereignty, and ensure a brighter future for generations to come who have always been Europeans by heart.

What message is important for you to send to the Macedonians and the rest of the European community about the significance of EU membership for democratic development and European stability?

My message to both Macedonians and the rest of the European community regarding the significance of EU membership for democratic development and European stability is clear.

EU membership is not just a bureaucratic process or a political aspiration; it is a fundamental commitment to democratic values, human rights, and the rule of law. For Macedonians, joining the EU represents an opportunity to strengthen our democratic institutions, improve governance, and build a more prosperous and inclusive society.

Furthermore, EU membership is essential for securing stability in Europe as a whole. By expanding the community of democratic nations, the EU promotes peace, cooperation, and mutual understanding among its member states. This collective strength serves as a bulwark against internal and external threats to stability, whether they come from authoritarian regimes, extremist movements, or geopolitical tensions.

For Macedonians, EU membership is not just about economic benefits or access to EU funds; it is about anchoring ourselves firmly within a community of nations that share our values and aspirations. By embracing the principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, we not only enhance our own society but also contribute to the broader project of European integration and stability.

In conclusion, EU membership is not just a destination for North Macedonia; it is a journey towards a more democratic, prosperous, and stable future for all. Let us embrace this opportunity with determination and optimism, knowing that together we can build a better Europe for generations to come.

In your experience, how does North Macedonia's popular support react to the EU process, which has been and continues to be lengthy?

In my experience, North Macedonia's popular support for the EU accession process has generally been positive, albeit with fluctuations over time. The prospect of EU membership has historically enjoyed broad public backing, as it represents an opportunity for economic development, political stability, and integration into a larger community of democratic nations.

However, it's important to acknowledge that the EU accession process has indeed been lengthy and sometimes fraught with challenges. Delays, setbacks, and political obstacles have at times tested the patience and enthusiasm of the Macedonian public. For instance, the long-standing dispute over the country's name with Greece, which was resolved with the Prespa Agreement in 2018, created significant uncertainty and frustration among citizens.

Despite these challenges, there remains a strong core of support for EU membership among the Macedonian population. Many people see the EU as a beacon of democracy, prosperity, and human rights, and they continue to view accession as a crucial goal for the country's future.

Moreover, successive governments and political parties have consistently emphasised the importance of EU integration and have made significant efforts to advance the necessary reforms to meet EU standards. This commitment to the EU accession process has helped maintain public confidence and support, even during periods of uncertainty.

That being said, it's essential for political leaders and institutions to remain transparent, accountable, and proactive in communicating with the public about the progress and challenges of the EU accession process.

Continued engagement and dialogue with citizens, civil society, and other stakeholders are vital for sustaining popular support and ensuring that the benefits of EU membership are understood and appreciated by all segments of society.

How do your party and North Macedonia's aspirations to join the EU benefit from the partnership with the Danish Liberal Party through the DLDP?

The partnership with the Danish Liberal Party through the DLDP (Danish Liberal Democracy Programme) provides invaluable support and assistance to our party and North Macedonia's aspirations to join the EU in several ways:

  1. Expertise and Advice: The Danish Liberal Party brings extensive experience and expertise in democratic governance, political reforms, and EU integration processes. Through the DLDP, we have access to valuable advice, training, and best practices that can help strengthen our party's capacity and effectiveness in advocating for EU membership and implementing necessary reforms.
  2. Networking and Exchange: The partnership facilitates networking opportunities and exchange programmes between our party members and their counterparts in the Danish Liberal Party. This allows for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and strategies for promoting democratic development and European integration, fostering mutual learning and collaboration.
  3. Capacity Building: DLDP support contributes to capacity building within our party, enhancing our ability to engage with citizens, civil society, and other political stakeholders on the importance of EU membership and the reforms required for accession. This strengthens our party's position as a leading advocate for democratic values and European integration in North Macedonia.
  4. International Visibility: The partnership with the Danish Liberal Party raises the international visibility of our party and North Macedonia's EU aspirations. By collaborating with a respected political organisation from an EU member state, we demonstrate our commitment to European values and our readiness to meet the standards required for EU accession.
  5. EU-related Policy Development: Through the DLDP, we have opportunities to participate in policy dialogues, workshops, and joint initiatives focused on key areas of reform and EU integration. This helps us develop evidence-based policies and legislative proposals that align with EU standards and priorities, advancing our country's progress towards EU membership.