Support to democratic movements in Nicaragua to build a democratic and progressive political alternative to the current authoritarian regime

The Red-Green alliance, Unión Democrática Renovadora, Articulacion de Movimientos Sociales y Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil  

In Nicaragua the Red-Green Alliance partners with UNAMOS and AMS-OSC to support capacity building in order to push for a progressive and democratic alternative to the Ortega government.

The Red Green Alliance partner with UNAMOS and AMS-OSC to support them in their effort to push for a progressive and democratic alternative to the Ortega Government. The focus is to build the institutional capacity of the two organisations locally as well as nationally. Furthermore, the Red Green Alliance also support strengthening the partners ability to convey political messages.  

Partnership Facts 

Danish partner: The Red-Green alliance 

Local partners: Unión Democrática Renovadora (UNAMOS) and Articulacion de Movimientos Sociales y Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (AMS-OSC) 

Project start: 2019 

In the partnership the work on empowering the institutional capacities is done through work on communication strategies, inclusion of women, youth, and Nicaraguans in exile, strengthening of political and organisational skills through experience sharing.